Books, Life, and Christ is a blog dedicated to glorifying Christ and reviewing books. Books that are not only a great read but also that are clean, and God honoring (though I DO accept non-christian books).

If you are interested in having your book reviewed by me. Fill out my Review Request Form, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

What I will NOT read:

  • No explicit content. Nothing over PG-13 please. Especially when it comes to romance!
  • Anything that dishonors God. I will NOT tolerate anything that promotes things like; abortion, sex out of marriage, or anything that would disrespect God if He is mentioned.
  • Nothing that promotes and honors sin. I also will not tolerate this. For example sex out of marriage. If the couple is not repentive and are fine with what they had just done then no, absolutely not! I will NOT read your book.
  • No magic, especially dark magic like in Harry Potter. I will not read books with ANY dark magic.

However, I do read this:

  • I am not really effected by violence and gore. But please don’t have it to the rated R setting. I CAN tolerate it but would rather not.
  • I will only read certain books that contain magic. I can read books that have magic like Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, The Story Weaver Trilogy by Lindsey Franklin, and like minded books.
  • I am not effected by heavy topics being dealt with in a biblical way. As long as there is NO explicit detail on the topic I am fine.

7 thoughts on “REVIEW POLICIES

  1. Would you like to review my novel, The Shadowverse, once I release it (sometime in the next two weeks – it will be in eBook form)? I started imagining it when I was like 12, and now, 5 years later (after 6 months writing, editing, etc.) I completed it. Here’s the blurb, in case you’re interested/have time to do so. Thanks!

    A man in a dark alley. An alien ruler. An immortal warrior. A group of college students. What do they all have in common?

    Johnny Sparks longs for a greater purpose. After an encounter with a mysterious stranger, he and his friends are imbued with incredible powers – at last giving his life meaning.
    But this fantasy soon disintegrates once one of the friends is taken by an alien warlord named Titan. In a rescue effort, the remaining group is sent across the galaxy in search of the only possible aid – an ancient, immortal warrior missing for centuries.
    To succeed, the team must join forces to reclaim their friend and stop a sinister scheme devised against humanity by Titan and his empire. The conflict for the soul of the universe is set in motion, but even if the group prevails, they risk losing what it means to be human.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi John,

      Is there a certain date that I would need to read it by? I am swamped right now with review books but if theres not a specific deadline, I would love to!!

      In Christ,


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