Oh my word, I cannot wait to share this book with y’all!! It is seriously amazing!!!!! Before I get all crazy on you, let’s jump into this post! 😉

Live Without You

By: Sarah Grace Grzy

Publisher: Ichthus Family Publications

Release Date: January 22nd, 2019

Genres: YA, Romance, Contemporary

Pages: 203 Pages

Where You Can Buy It: Amazon

Add On: Goodreads

Rating: ★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars)


Piper Redding is a loner, but lonely. Everyone she loves has abandoned her and opening her heart to others is just asking for more pain. She can’t help but blame herself for her brother’s tragic death six years ago, and in her guilt, she shuts herself off from the world. No one could love her—not even the God who promised to be there for her but wasn’t.

For paramedic Ezra Bryant, failure is not an option. He’s had enough of it, and only by God’s grace is he able to put it behind him. But when a traumatic event brings Piper’s greatest fear and Ezra’s failures to light, can they use that event to allow God to mend their broken pieces? Can love triumph over fear, and grace over guilt?

My Review

I’m not crying, you’re crying.

When I first saw that Sarah Grace had written a book I was all over wanting to read it. I’m like that with a lot of books honestly, but when I started to read this book I was instantly drawn in to it by Sarah Grace’s amazing writing. The further I got the more I fell in love with the story and it’s characters. I have only read a few books in my life that have impacted me the way this book has. 

This book touched my heart in so many ways. I literally was crying at the most random times, well not really it was just a unique place to cry after a series of events happened. I just feel like this book, especially the end plot twist, really spoke to me. Even though I am not going through the exact thing that Ezra and Piper were going through, I am still going through a time where what Piper came to realize is what I needed to read and realize too. 

I cannot put into words how beautiful this story was. My heart is bursting with all kinds of emotions and has been since the minute I opened the PDF copy of this book that I have. I related to Piper to an extent. I think that by seeing a little of myself in her, made me love this book even more. 

The relationship between Ezra and Piper was so pure and sweet. I loved Ezra, he was one of my favorite characters. Okay if I’m being honest they all were my favorite. I honestly cannot put into words what drew me to love Ezra’s character so much. Something about him just touched my heart and made me love him. 

So even though this book had lot’s of serious and sentimental parts that made me nearly cry and did make me cry, this book also contained humor that made me silently chuckle to myself. Tyler was just a fun going, loving character that I instantly related to. Sure, I’m not as goofy as him cough at time cough but his and my teasing matched up to perfection. Also can we just give some love to Mr. Bryant and Miss Cecile? They were amazing, Christ-like characters that brought my heart so much joy. 

The best way to close this review up is by saying this. You NEED to read this book. It comes out in 8 days. Get yourself a copy, you will not regret it. This book contains everything that an amazing book should. It contains good solid Christian themes, a pure and bittersweet romance, some thrill to get your heart pumping, and just an all around amazing story that will keep you reading until you have finished the very last page. So, go buy this book and enjoy reading the story of Ezra and Piper! 

Note: This quote is out of context and may spoil the book for you. Please read at your own risk. 😂

My favorite quote:

A gentle voice floated through his head as he
drifted off again. “I’ve prepared a beautiful place
for you. But it is not yet your time. You have done
well, My faithful servant, and I have much more for
you to do.”

“But Lord,” he protested, feeling his utter
unworthiness. “I can’t. I’ve failed You again and
again. You can’t possibly use me.”

“In your unworthiness is where you have
worth. My power works through you, My strength
is made perfect in your weakness. You have given
Me your heart and your best; that is all I ask.”

About the Author

Sarah Grace Grzy is a voracious reader, and if it weren’t for this crazy thing called ‘Life,’ she’d be tempted to spend all her days in front of a wood stove, book in one hand, coffee mug in the other.

A lover of learning, she finds enjoyment in many things and has more hobbies than she knows what to do with. Sarah Grace is a freelance web and graphic designer, and when not working, spending time with her ever-growing family, or reading, she can be found painting, playing the piano, or fangirling with her sisters and friends. She inhabits the State of Great Lakes, and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else—unless it meant she could have a baby penguin, in which case, she’d gladly move to the South Pole.

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Grand Prize ~ $20 Amazon gift card, Signed Paperback of Live Without You, Specialty designed mug.

Second Prize ~ $5 Amazon gift card, ebook copy of Live Without You
3 Third Prize Winners ~ Ebook copy of Live Without You

Grand prize open to US entrants only, 2nd and 3rd prizes available internationally. Giveaway runs from 12AM 1.21.19 – 12AM 1.23.19. Victoria Lynn Designs retains the right to disregard any entries that they deem bogus or spam. Good luck to the entrants!

You can enter this awesome giveaway here!

One of the questions to enter the giveaway is what is your favorite Bible verse? Comment below what yours is even if you aren’t participating in the giveaway! (I will comment down below too! 😉)


    1. Philippians 1:21 is my favorite verse; it says, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” It’s very comforting because it helps me remember that, if I do die, so what? It’s not like this world is any better than where I’m going to go. It also helps me to cope whenever those I love die, because I know they’ve only gained, and soon, I’ll have that same joy they have.

      I checked, there’s no Joshua 29. It goes to Joshua 24 and then moves on to Judges

      1 Corinthians 13 is a neat chapter!

      James is one of my favorite books overall, it’s a very practical book. Those might be the best verses in the book, too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. *face palms* I meant Jeremiah. I had just read Joshua 1:9 so I had Joshua in the back of my mind.

        I agree 100% about everything you said about Philippians 1:21!! It is so amazing that God has given us certain verses in the Bible that help us through hard times. It just goes to show how much He loves and cares for us!!!

        Yeah, the book of James helped me get through the time when my dad had cancer.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lol Jeremiah 29:11 is a cool one 😀

        It does 😀 I actually have been studying Philippians for the last couple months and I think I’ve barely scratched the surface; what’s more amazing than His providence is His depth. If anyone wants proof the Bible is real, just have them find all the interpretations of any book of the New Testament and I can promise you they’ll be busy for quite a while lol. It’s not great for actual proof, admittingly, but it’d be hard to believe any human could be that brilliant

        That’s sad 😦 My grandfather had cancer. What was odd was how upsetting his death initially was, even though we knew it was coming, and surprised it hadn’t come sooner

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I love the book of Philippians! That book contains a lot of amazing verses that I really like. Lol, yeah I agree! It takes a while to study a book of the Bible. Right now I am doing a bible study at church called God of Creation by Jen Wilkin and the first week is just on Genesis 1:1. It is so amazing and baffling at how long it takes us to really dig deep into scripture and even then we still haven’t scratched the surface of the depth of it all!!

        I’m sorry! It always stinks to have family die of cancer. My dad is doing fine now but he has brain cancer so it’s a terminal cancer. But we just have to trust God and know that He knows what is best in everything!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s one of the best there is to remember! 😀

      Of course *coughs* I probably memorized that one when I was 3 (anything I memorized in my early childhood was completely accidental and/or forced), so it’s not my favorite one :/

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeahh… I have other favourites, but that one is always the first choice when I have to pick one.. 😉

        Hahaha, oh dear! 😛

        Liked by 2 people

  1. OMW I CANNOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THIS BOOK it looks fantasticcc :DD *skips spoiler quote* I’ll be back later to read that 😉 Ooh yass a giveaway! I’ll definitely be entering. My favorite bible verse right now is John 16:33 ❤

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