I am super excited to do this tag! My awesome friend, Meredith, tagged so this is going to be a lot of fun! xD


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

Thank you, Meredith! 😘

2. Tag your post with #awesomebloggeraward.

3. Answer the questions given to you.

4. Nominate and inform at least 5 bloggers.

5. Give them 10 new questions to answer.

Let’s Begin

Favorite book of the Bible and why?

I have a couple favorite but one book that I have always loved is James. James really helped me through my dad’s cancer a few years ago.

Biggest pet peeve?

People having improper table manners, for example, talking with food in your mouth, chewing with your mouth open, smacking of the lips, ect. It is so annoying.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

Hopefully a full time librarian and maybe married? I would love be married by 26! 😂 Also Lord-willing a published author.

If you could travel to any fictional world, which would it be?

Middle earth!

Favorite AIO episode? (If you don’t listen to Adventures in Odyssey, I’d highly recommend it.)

Oof, this is a hard one. Can I say all of them? I really enjoy the American history ones we own but honestly give me an AIO episode and I will listen and enjoy it. 😂

Favorite song of all time?

This honestly changes all the time. I love too many songs but a favorite right now is Lions by Skillet. Ugh, this song is so good!! 😍

Describe your dream bedroom.

Bookshelves everywhere full of books. Psh, who needs a dresser? I will put all my clothes in the closet and have an elevated bed that has bookshelves under it. Literally my dream room is Lindey’s from Books for Christian Girls. #bedroomgoals

Most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten?

Um….probably some Korean dish my youth pastor made. It was a very interesting dish to say the least. And if not that then some Chinese thing my brothers have made me try. 😂

Favorite sport to watch and favorite sport to play?

My favorite sport to watch is baseball and my favorite sport to play is swimming. You don’t play swimming but y’all get what I mean right?

Should Edmund have followed the White Witch?

Well it depends on side you are looking at. If it is the allegory part of the story line then yes, because it just shows the beauty of how God saves us from our sin. However if you are taking it from any other side then no absolutely not!


1.) What are your top five favorite book series?

2.) What author do you wish to spend the entire day with?

3.) Favorite season?

4.) Favorite thing to do in the Summer?

5.) Favorite blogger, booktuber or bookstagramer?

6.) Biggest book pet peeve?

7.) Favorite song, album, and artist?

8.) Favorite Bible verse?

9.) Have you ever done something you never thought you could ever do?

10.) What is one thing you wish you could do that you know you could never do?


I honestly have no idea who has and who has not done this tag so I tag all y’all!! If you want to do this tag go right now ahead, you are officially tagged!

I hope y’all had fun reading this tag. I had a lot of fun making it and I hope you end up doing it! Comment below and tell me if you are because I would love to read your answers to either my questions or someone else’s whom tagged you first! 😉


  1. Wait you love Lindsey from BFCG’s bedroom too?!? I thought I was the only one who did… also I thought I was the only one who knew who she even was 😂 Your answers were great!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. YESS!!! I know 🙂 I thought no one knew about her 😂 Yes… her bedroom is my dream room. It will probably never happen but I can wish right?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. First off, cool! 😀
    Second off…your blog looks different :/
    Third off, the “Like” button was hard to find xD
    I do like the new layout, though, it was just very surprising, and the brightness shocked me (my blog is much darker) so I was momentarily disoriented lol. I’ll get used to it for sure!

    Liked by 1 person

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