Hehehehe, the time has come for me to answer ya’lls assumptions about me! I cannot wait to get started but first I want to thank every single one of you that told me some of your assumptions. It was scary how accurate a lot of y’all were. My mom has always told me, I am an open book. 😉

From Elizabeth:

1.) You are sweet

Awww, I would love to think I am! Y’all are really suppose to give me that answer, lol. 😉

2.) You are a hard worker

Yes, I am but I am also a member of the procrastination club. I get my work done just sometimes last minute, but yes, I usually put my all into something.

3.) You are a die hard reader of romance

*gasp* What makes you day that?!? *looks at my Goodreads and sees the 95% of the books are indeed romance* Okay, so I may have a slight thing for romance novels…..okay, fine a huge thing. You can’t blame me though, I am a romantic and dreamer at heart!

4.) You are the oldest of your family

Yes, I am! I am the oldest and am proud of that fact. The only bad thing about being the oldest is that I am the guinea pig of the family and I had the strictest childhood. Middle kids and the youngest have it easy.

5.) You are a writer dreaming to be accepted by readers

I most definitely am! I feel like the fear of people judging and hating my book is why I’ve been putting of fixing all the edits I found……as much as I want to give my book to people I fear that everyone is going to hate it. I know, I am being ridiculous but the fear is still there.

6.) You like hanging out with friends

I love hanging out with my friends!

From Jenna:

1.) Historical Fiction is your favorite genre to read

Yes! I love historical fiction. In my opinion, it is the greatest genre, but that may just be my history nerd coming out, lol!

2.) You love children/babies

YES! I LOVE kids and babies. I have always loved kids and being oldest I got a lot of experience with kids. Having kids is one of my future dreams!!

3.) You like traveling

To an extent I do. I love to see new places but there are times that I would rather stay at home and hang out with my friends. I like traveling at least one to two times a year. I do have a few places that I would love to go though!!

4.) Teal is your favorite color

It is indeed! I love it so much, that is why it is a color my blog sports!

5.) You’re super sweet

Aww, you are making me blush! Y’all are too kind! ❤

6.) Summer is your favorite season

Si, yes, aye, indeed it is! I love the hot weather, swimming, the sun, and everything else that Summer comes with. I know that school is off during the Summer but if I could have summer all year then I would be one happy camper! My body does not like the cold at all so I despise cold weather! Summer all the way!

From Christina:

1.) You love historical fiction

I do indeed! 😀

2.) You have a lot of siblings

7 to be exact, 5 sisters and 2 brothers.

3.) Your favorite color is teal

Seriously y’all, you know me way too well!!

4.) You love chocolate

I love chocolate like a bookworm loves books. I couldn’t live without it! 😉

5.) You are super nice

Seriously y’all stop making me blush, Bob the tomatoes is probably jealous right now! Y’all are too nice! ❤

6.) You are shy at first but come out of your shell quickly

Geez, y’all know me better than I think I know myself……😂 Yes, I am very shy at first but once I know someone for a bit that’s when you get the real me! The crazy, very talkative, and competitive me!

From Ariana:

1.) You love romance stories

*evilly laughs* How could you possibly know that?? I totally don’t read and own a whole bunch of Christian, romance books…..totally not….

2.) You read your Bible daily

I try, I really try. I am working on it though!!

3.) You’re short

Lol, yup! My dad thought that I was going to get grow to the grand height of 5’9″ but I stopped at 5’3″. I barely passed my mom at 13 and I have stayed this height since then. I guess I did all my growing before puberty.

4.) You have a lot of t-shirts

What? Phush no……….

I am missing a few shirts too hence the reason for empty hangers among my shirts….(the hangers to the right are extra)
The gray, black, and white shirts are all my others t-shirts. The blues shirts are long sleeved shirts.

5.) You have a lot of blue in your room. You love it.

I have a decent amount of blue in my room. I just recently moved to I still don’t have a lot of stuff on the walls, but I do have quite a lot of blue things!!

6.) You are slightly disorganized

You can say that again. I am look organized on the outside but I typically just throw things places sometimes, lol.

7.) You laugh a lot

I do, I definitely laugh a lot. I love to laugh so I laugh whenever I can!! Laughing is something that I personally associate with joy so I always am up for a good laugh!

From Kassie:

1.) You like cats more than dogs

Yes and no. I think I only like cats more because we owned cats when I was little but we’ve never owned a dog. We are getting a dog though later this year and I am excited! So we’ll see if my opinion changes after I get a dog! As for now, I like cats more.

2.) You usually wear your hair in a ponytail

Yup, that and a bun. The only two things I know how to do in my hair. I think I have braided my hair by myself twice and my sister had to redo it because it was so bad……so yeah I just wear it up in a ponytail.

3.) You’re not scared of heights

I actually have a big fear of heights. This and the fact that I have an irrational fear of falling off of a roller coaster is why I hate roller coasters. I have gone on them yearly but I still have to step out of my comfort level every single time. My family can tell you a few stories when I’ve freaked out about heights during my life, lol. I can climb trees fine though……well as long as they aren’t too high. 😂

4.) You’re good at techy stuff

Actually yes I am! I can pick things up quickly when it comes to anything techy. My siblings always come to me when they need help with something on the computer.

5.) You organize your bookshelf chronologically

Hehehe……I actually do this with my Christian fiction books. They all go from the my Biblical fiction to my modern books, lol. My other books though I go by the authors last name alphabetically.

6.) You don’t usually wear a hat

I do not, but I do own one. I wear occasionally but not all the time. I am trying to get a new one before my trip to the West Coast this Summer. I like wearing them while traveling. I also wear a hat whenever I am working outside.

7.) You can roller blade

Yes, I can. Maybe not as well as my sisters but I can roller blade!

8.) You’re a morning person

I am! I can wake up early and be okay with it. I don’t get grouchy or anything when people wake me up before the sun is up.

From Victoria:

1.) You are very patient

I think I am…..I would love to say that I am but there are a few things that test my patience like nothing else will. However, I am usually patient with most things in life!

2.) You only eat specific candy

This is true. I typically only eat Mike N Ikes, chocolate, or sour gummies (& these need to be only a certain kind of sour gummy). I don’t really try new candy ever. Why try something that I may not like when I content with my favorites?

3.) You hate school

It depends on the subject. Math and science make me hate school but history, literature, and debate make up for those evil subjects. I am my family’s nerd, lol.

From Isabel:

1.) You are 16 or 17

I will be 16 in 10 days actually!

2.) You are not a huge fan of dystopian novels

I am impartial to them. I own and have read a lot of the popular ones but dystopian definitely is not a favorite genre. I enjoyed a few series that I’ve read in the genre but I honestly could live without this genre.

3.) You love historical fiction

Yup! I just looked at my bookshelves and I own historical fiction books…..I have a problem y’all.

4.) You have at least 3 siblings

I do! I have 7 younger siblings.

5.) You like the color blue

I think y’all are getting this from my blog color scheme….am I right??? *raises an eyebrow*

6.) You wear jeans a lot

I do! However, during the summer I am a shorts girl. I wear jeans though to everything when it’s cooler out. I don’t mind wearing them at all! I even go to church in them on most Sundays. (When it’s 5 degrees and none of your Sunday dresses look good with leggings, you would too. 😉)

7.) You have one or more pets

I actually don’t have any pets unless you count my grandmas chickens which live down the street from me……We are getting a dog though later this year!!

8.) You love drawing

I actually am the worse drawer in the history of drawers. God gifted me the art of writing not drawing. I also have never really gotten into it so *shrugs* I am always jealous though of people who can draw. It is amazing what some people can do!!

From Mirrorant/Mark:

You’re an alien engineer who was sent to Earth to sabotage our planet’s defenses, but you realized humans are pretty cool and have adapted to every part of human life and set to work keeping your species from harming Earth

If you promise not to get the government to take me to Area 51, I’ll tell ya. 😉

I have come here from the planet of Mars, my alien species is fabulous at hiding ourselves from your rovers and satellites. Our bodies do not send heat signals like life on Earth. Our chief commander – or what you call here dictator – is tired of Earthians and their probing at our planet, so I was sent here to – as you assumed – sabotaged one major country at a time defense. I realized how much better Earth life is than Mars life. I have been here both hiding from the US government and my own evil government. Y’all think you have it bad, just go to Mars and y’alls governments here will be like fairytale kingdoms.

From Penny:

1.) You don’t like coffee

You have that right! I despise coffee! I have tried it many times and every time it is just a bitter hot drink that I don’t like.

2.) You prefer the 60’s Mary Poppins to the new one

I actually need to re-watch the 60 Mary Poppins to give my opinions. Even though no one could ever bet Julie Andrews, Emily Blunt did an amazing job at playing Mary Poppins. I really enjoyed the new Mary Poppins, but as I said before, I would need to re-watch the 60 version to give my honest opinion.

3.) You are really excited to start driving your own car

I don’t know how long it will be till I get to drive my OWN car, but I am getting my license in two weeks and I CANNOT wait!!!! It will be nice to be able to drive myself places without having the schedule of my parents.

4.) You love soft, fluffy pillows

I do indeed! I actually have a new fluffy pillow that came with my comforter when I moved. It is the GREATEST thing ever!!

5.) Your favorite Star Wars episode is Episode 7 (The Force Awakens)

I actually like Episode 6 (The Return of the Jedi) & Episode 8 (The Last Jedi) the most! Episode 7 was good but I prefer 6 & 8.

From Grace:

1.) You’re an older sister

I am the oldest actually! 🙂

2.) You like tea

You bet your money I do! I like hot tea, but a cool cup of sweet tea is always a go to drink for me!!

3.) You are creative

I am creative while writing, but put a blank piece of paper in front of me and tell me to draw something my mind blanks immediately. 😂

4.) You’re a romantic at heart

*nods head* I most definitely am. I have always been and probably will always be. So you can bet that Dalkeith is going to have some romance in it…..but you don’t know whos! 😉

5.) You love to read

*gasp* How did you know that?! 😉 Lol, yes I love to read! I probably love to read too much.

6.) You are a Christian

Yes, ma’am! I am firm believer in Christ!!

7.) You like history

*bites my tongue to keep from talking for hours about history facts* I love learning about different times in history. I have an odd obsession of learning things about World War 2 ever since I was 10.

8.) You are opinionated

*laughs* I am a very opinionated person! I looked up the definition of an opinionated person and I am that person to a T! 😆

9.) You don’t like Star Wars

I enjoy watching the movies as they come out and maybe an old movie once or twice a year but I am not a major fan. I prefer Lord of the Rings to be honest! *hides from Penny*

10.) You like classics and books with an “old soul”

I actually have enjoyed almost every classic I have read. I personally am an old soul myself so I do highly enjoy reading books that are classic and “old soul”. I get called Grandmagail all the time for being so old fashioned, lol.

11.) You have a great sense in style

I would love to think I do….when I really want to I can look nice and with the fashion these days. However, there are times that I wear exercise shorts and a exercise shirt and call it a day, lol.

12.) You don’t like the color green

It definitely isn’t my favorite color but I can tolerate it. I own one or two green shirts because my eyes are green so they really make my eyes pop. But yeah, I hardly own anything green because *shrugs* I just am impartial to the color.

From Shine:

You love writing from Story Dreams

I think I have written down 1 story idea from a dream I had but I usually don’t write stories from dreams because I hardly ever remember my dreams. 😂😂

From Greg:

You are a friendly extrovert

I am a mix of an introvert and an extrovert. I was definitely an extrovert when I was little. I’ve kinda grown out of that though since I’ve gotten older. I am an introvert when I am with new people and at parties, but when I am with close friends that’s when I come out as an extrovert. So it’s all about how comfortable I am whether I am introverted or extroverted. I am mostly definitely my extroverted self on social media, though!

From Ivie:

1.) You are super friendly and extroverted

Like I said above, y’all are too nice!! ❤️ I used to be an extrovert with anyone at anytime, but the older I’ve gotten, the more reserved I have become. I am definitely an introvert around new people, but once you get to know me. I come out of my introverted shell and become an extrovert. 🙃

2.) You like HTTYD

I do, I love both the movies and the TV shows! I cannot wait to see the 3 one!

3.) You love blogging about books

What psh, no! What makes you think that?? *looks at the name of my blog* Okay, so maybe I like to blog about books just a bit. 😉

4.) You have an obsession with notebooks

I literally have a notebook for everything….every school subject, every book I write, every project I do. I think I own around 20+ notebooks and journals…..😳😂

From Rosalyn:

1.) You’re an avid reader

Yes, yes I am! xD

2.) You like coffee

I actually don’t. I despise that bitter drink!

3.) You have way too many shoes

I own 13 pairs of shoes…..that’s a lot to some and a little to others so y’all decided if that’s a lot or not! 😉

4.) You keep your room clean at all times

*laughs* My room is only clean on a daily basis in my imagination. My room is clean right now but only because we had someone over. I try to keep my room tidy but I seem to never be able to keep up! 😂😬

So there you have it, all my answers to y’alls assumptions about me!! I had a lot of fun doing this! Thank you to everyone who commented their assumptions! 🙂



  1. Nice post! I loved your answers. 😍 I did pretty good this time, lol, probably because we have a lot in common. 😁 *whispers* I have way too many t-shirts, too, and…*even quieter whisperer* I’m not very tall either.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was SO much funnnnnnn!!!💕 I loved reading all your answers, including mine!!
    Thx for answering my assumptions!! This was SUPER fun to read!!! 😀❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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