So I am here as I promised, writing out my answers from my Q & A video. You can watch it here if you don’t want to read my answers. 😉


1.) If you had to pick between either reading or writing for the rest of your life, which would it be?

This is a really hard one, but I would have to go with reading. I choose reading because I have always been a reader, I just recently in the last few years picked up writing. But please don’t ever ask me that as a legit thing ever……..xD

2. What is your favorite Marvel movie?

Captain America: The First Avenger. I loved that movie from the first time I saw it. It never grows old especially since you have Steve, Bucky, 1940s, and World War 2 in one movie. Yes please! 😉 But I love all Marvel movies, just this one is my all time favorite!

3. Your favorite Star Wars character?

BB-8 & R2-D2. I don’t know why, but I guess I have a thing for robots. The robots in Star Wars are just awesome so who doesn’t like them?!

4. Coffee or hot chocolate? (Or neither?)

Hot Chocolate all the way! I despise coffee. I have tried it time and time again and never have liked it. If coffee disappeared I really wouldn’t mind. 😉

5. Which one would you like to visit more: Disneyland or Universal Studios Theme Park?

Universal. I have been to Disneyland before when I was 5 and even though it was great, I still would love to go to Universal. I also have heard from friends that it is the better park.

6. It’s a lazy rainy day and you have nothing to do. What’s your go to book to read on a day like this?

Um…..I really don’t have a specific book that I read on a rainy day because it rains so much where I live. I typically just read whatever book is next on my TBR or what I am currently reading.

7. What is your favorite TV show to watch?

I don’t really like watching TV shows but when I do, I watch either a cop show or Seal Team. I really like suspense TV shows.

8. What would you do with 9 million dollars and 56 cent?

I would give half to charity and spend the other half on books. But honestly, if I ever got that much money I probably would give half to charity and then put the rest into savings. (But seriously do you know how many books I could buy with that much money?!?! 😂)

9. Memes. For them or against them?

For them all the way! Who couldn’t love memes?!


1. What was your favorite book to read as a kid?

Mandie series by Lois Gladys Leopard. I loved that series and still do. I really need to re-read it! xD

2. How many books have you wrote?

Two! One is Dalekith and that is currently being edited and I hope to publish it later this year. The other one is called, Forbidden Love and I am doing research on it right now.

3. How do you like to read books? (PDF, Kindle, print, audio book, etc.)

Print all the way! Typically all the books I read are in print. I do read the occasional book on Kindle but I typically read print.

4. Are you easily motivated to write?

Yes I am, but I do have my writer block moments where I just stare at the computer screen and all inspiration lost though. But what author doesn’t have those moments?!

5. Favorite genre?

Historical fiction, Romance, Christian, and Fantasy. I cannot choose one. I know it’s bad but I just love to read!!

Faith on the Farm:

1. What is your favorite food group?

I like all food groups because I love food. But if I had to choose one maybe meat. I don’t know what I would do without meat! 😂😂

2. How long have you been blogging?

I have been blogging for 8 months. I starts last June.

3. What’s YOUR favorite post you’ve ever written?

Either Voted Most Likely Tag or My Top Male Characters from Books. Those two posts were so much fun to write!!

4. What post is your most popular/ your post with the most likes or views?

Um….my post with the most views right now is my Top Christian Artists. I have no idea about likes honestly.

5. What is the first book you remember reading?

A shorten, children’s version of Little Women.

6. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because my mom kicked me off of her blog. I had been wanting to start a blog for a while now so when she gave me the go ahead, I jumped to the opportunity to do it! 😂


1.)What is your favorite animal, fantastical or real?

A dolphin for a real animal. A dragon for a fantastical. But it has to be a good dragon. Evil dragons like the dragon in Goldstone Woods, I do not like. 😂

2. If you could live in any fictional world, what would it be?

Middle earth all the way!!!!!!! I would love to live with dwarves, elves, and hobbits. That would be a dream come true!! 😍

3. What skill do you wish you had?

Freelance editing and/or amazing graphic design like some of my friends have. I have always been slightly jealous with their God-given talents like these.


1.) Favorite historical fiction author?

Tracie Peterson or Laura Frantz. I have loved nearly all their books that I have read by them. Tracie Peterson has had a book or two that weren’t my favorite but her books actaully go me hocked on Christian fiction books.

2. Favorite candy bar?

Reese’s all the way man! I love peanut butter and chocolate combos!!

3. Where’s the strangest place you’ve found inspiration for writing?

In children’s books. There are times where I am reading to my younger sister and I get a weird story plot line from the book. 😂

4. Would you rather have your favorite character show up on your doorstep OR be transported into your character’s life and world for a day?

As awesome as it would be for Aragorn to appear at my doorstep, I would much rather go to Middle Earth and meet all the other LoTR characters!! That would be a dream come true! 😂

5. How do you pick your characters’ names?

I either choose names that I love or go onto baby name websites and spend sometime in there to find the perfect name.

6. Kendrick Brothers or Erwin Brothers?

Kendrick brothers. Even though I don’t watch a whole lot of Christian fiction movies because of some prosperity gospel in some of them, I still have seen more Kendrick brother movies and have liked them. 😀

7. Favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character?

Tigger! I have loved Tigger as a small child and will always love Tigger.

8. What fictional character (not one of your own) are you most like?

Veronica Welling from the Doon series. Even though I haven’t been through some of what she has experience in life, her and I relate on some levels. We both love to read, want to get lost in fairy tales, and love Scotland. And would I love for a nice looking Scottish prince to come rescue me….um yes please. 😂😉😉😂

9. Favorite and least favorite cliches in fiction?

My favorite is the Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett, hate to love cliche.

The worse has to be ‘good girl changes bad boy to good’. That just never happens in real life. What really happens is bad boy changes good girl bad. Because unless the Holy Spirit is working in that boy, there ain’t nothing that would change him! I’m sorry but this cliche really annoys me.

10. First person or third person perspective?

I prefer first person because that’s how I write but some of my favorite books have been written in third person. So really any perspective is good for me! 🙂


1.) Do you like candy? If so which candy would you pick if you could only have that candy for a year?

Yes, I love candy! I would choose Reese’s. I love Reese’s like I mentioned above!!

2. What is your favorite writing tool?

A computer! I think that is what you’re asking…..😬 I have tried to write with a paper and pen before but my hand cramps up really quickly so I loss my inspiration fast. You would think that because I am a homeschooler, I would be less sensitive to cramping’s hands. 😂😂

3. If you could live in any era what era would it be?

Medieval Times! I know that a lot of stuff happened during this era, but it would be so much fun….I think. I really like reading about this era at the very least.

4. What is the worse book you’ve read?

The Seven Realm series by Cinda Williams Chima. I read the first book and it was okay but when I got to the second book I was done. It was very dry and just boring. I dnf-ed it and I haven’t gone back since.


1.) What are some little things in life that inspire you?

Family and friends. I know that those aren’t really small things but they still inspire me so much especially with my writings. Y’all have also been awesome cheerleaders! 😉 Also ordinary people doing extraordinary things for God also inspire me so much!!

2. What’s your favorite non-fiction book (besides the Bible)?

Oof, this is a hard one but the top three that come to my mind are Kisses from Katie, Lone Survivor, and the Narrative Life and Fredrick Douglas. I love reading non-fiction so my list is always growing. xD

3. What fictional character would you like to meet in real life (just one!)?

Ughhhhhhhhhhh, this is even worse than Penny’s question, Jenna!! I would have to say either Jamie from Doon or Aragorn from Lord of the Rings but since I have to pick one, Aragorn beats Jamie by a hair.W

1.) What’s your favorite fairytale?

Um either the Little Mermaid or Rapunzel. Guys we are talking about Disney not Brother’s Grimm because their stuff is too dark for me.

2. Fairytale retellings or fractured fairytales (what is this thing with fairytales heheh)?

Fairytale retellings all the way! I always am up for a good fairytale retelling!

3. What’s one food that you LOVE but pretty much no one else does?

Tuna. There are only a few people I know who like tuna. Everyone else hates it. Tis a pity on their part honestly.

4. Have you ever had any pets?

Nope! But we are getting a dog before this year ends.

5. What’s your favorite mythical creature?

As I mentioned above, a dragon. I love dragons just not evil ones. 😉

6. Do you prefer present-tense or past-tense in reading/writing? (Kassie already beat me to the first-person/third-person perspective question, so haha!)

I prefer present tense because I relate with the characters more and I get into the story a lot quicker. However, I enjoy to read in past tense every once in a while.


1.) Any tips for successful blogging?

Be yourself, write what God has put on your heart, and write for your audience. The main thing that I personally think is great for successful blogging is being yourself. People like uniqueness so just by being yourself, you set yourself apart from other bloggers because God made us all different.

Just as a side note: I am still very new to blogging myself, so I honestly don’t know if I’m exactly the person to talk to. 😉


1.) What is the least common thing you are a fan of?

Um….do you mean like something that isn’t very popular that I am a fan of? If so I would have to say certain book series that I love that no one else really knows about like An Unfortunate Fairytale series by Chanda Hahn. It’s an amazing book series just it doesn’t have a fandom……a pity that.


1.) Favorite character in a musical

I am going to rebel and break this up into Broadway and Msuicals because otherwise it is way to wide of a pool from me to choose from! 😉

Favorite Broadway character: Either Dimitri from Anastasia or Race from Newsies.

Favorite Musical character: Maria from the Sound of Music

2. Favorite musical soundtrack

Favorite Broadway soundtrack: Anastasia!

Favorite Musical soundtrack: Singing in the Rain

3. Favorite musical plot

Favorite Broadway plot: Newsies

Favorite Musical plot: Singing in the Rain

4. Favorite musical overall

Favorite Broadway overall: Anastasia!

Favorite Musical overall: The Sound of Music

5. Skittles or M&M’s

It depends on my mood but I would have to say Skittles. As much as I love chocolate, I really love skittles.

6. BBQ chicken or Burgers

Ham burgers 100%. I love BBQ chicken but burgers as so delicious and I love them so much!!!

7. Soup or Salad

Soup. Again I love salad, but I love soup more. It is so amazing especially broccoli cheddar or potato soup. *mouth starts to water*

8.Water slides or roller coasters

WATER SLIDES. I HATE roller coasters. Nope, just no. I despise them. My friends forced me to go on a roller coaster called Superman once at our local Six Flags and I don’t think I have ever been so afraid in my life.

This ride is horrible. I have so many negative thoughts about this. *shudders*

9. Cheesecake or cake

Please don’t hate me but I really don’t like cake so there is really no comparison. I love cheesecake but really could care less about cake…..

10. Favorite actor or actress

I don’t really care about actors and actress but if I have to pick a favorite it would either be Thomas Sangster or Tom Holland. I really like the characters that they play so that’s probably why I like them so much.


1.) If you had to live off of one food for the rest of your life – what would it be?

Tacos. I love Mexican food and you can create so many different combos for tacos that I don’t “think” it could ever grow old but it probably would…😂😂


1.) Where do you come up with characters names?

As I mentioned above I either choose my favorite names or I look names up in baby name books. 😂

2.) What is your favorite color?


3.) Who is your favorite author?(that will probably be a hard one)

I totally am rebelling again but I will tell y’all my top ten! 😉

  1. J.R.R Tolkien
  2. Lynette Eason
  3. Krista McGee
  4. Melanie Dickerson
  5. Tracie Peterson
  6. Laura Frantz
  7. Faith Potts
  8. Sarah Sundin
  9. Nadine Brandes
  10. Sarah Addison – Fox

(This is in no specific order because putting these authors into a correct order would be way too difficult.)

So this is my written answers to my Q & A.

Now announcing the giveaway winner

Keep strolling

The winner is…….


Maddy, I will be emailing you soon with details.

I hope you enjoyed this post because I enjoyed writing it!


25 thoughts on “100 FOLLOWER Q & A AND GIVEAWAY WINNER

      1. Oh lol. I’ve been blogging since September 2017, which is Ig 1.5 years, but I kept redoing my blogs until November, which is when I made my latest (and most successful) blog so far. I have nowhere near 100 readers, though xD

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lol Idk, either. You have an awesome blog, and I knew you’d reach that after a certain amount of time, but 9 months…? None of my friends have ever topped 100 followers in one year, let alone 75% of a year O.O

        And thanks! It’s rather successful in its own way. I created a nice little community where a lot of my friends, many of which don’t know each other, can interact, so that’s cool 😀


  1. I love you blog!! And I would love to meet you in person! We have a lot in common according to your answers to the questions!XD I love The Sound of Music and Pride and Prejudice! CHEESECAKE AND MEXICAN FOOD I would neeeever get tired of!!!! Okay I probably would but….. Oooo I am skittles all the way!!! Wonderful post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have never like roller coasters and I don’t think anything will ever change. I have friends who LOVE that ride……just me who has a HUGE fear of heights hated it. If you ever get to ride on it, I would love to see what a roller coaster lover has to say about it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope I’ll eventually get a chance to ride it! It’s such a neat concept.
        Is it a fear of heights or a fear of falling? 😉
        Just kidding. I know roller coasters aren’t for everyone.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Lol, I think it’s a little bit of both but mainly the heights part. Anywhere I go that is high up, I don’t do too well……😂 It is a very neat concept just not for this girl. 😂😉

        Liked by 1 person

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